Never Give Up on a GHOST (Andy Bustillos, Jeremy Culhane, Monte Montepare, Artoun Nazareth, Curtis Retherford & Ruha Taslimi)
Download MP3William B. DeClercq 0:03
Thomas Edison once said, I've not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work.
Today's episode would have never made it to your ears without the patience and dedication of one man. My producer Jeffrey finer, verboten productions. I don't think there's any podcaster out there who even attempts to have seven comedic improvisers record a remote performance of improv, each with their own different setup. Except for me, if you stick around to the end of the episode, maybe Jeff will let you hear what I gave him to start with. So thank you, Jeff, for rescuing this episode from the trash. And if you want to hear more of Jeff's audio wizardry, go ahead and subscribe and listen to every single episode of the crime drama podcast, miniseries, coyotes bluff.
JayRay 1:15
You want to know how I came to own this bar? Sure, I'll tell you. It's a long story though. So sit down. Have a beer. It's full of twists and turns, violence and low lives. conman money. Everyone is alive is complicated. So you got to fucking pay attention. I assure you it all comes together in the air. Yeah, sit down. I'll tell you the story of coyotes bluff.
William B. DeClercq 1:46
Now in honor of the great Hal Douglas,
one man
in a world one podcast. You know the drought. Beyond unreasonable doubt and verboten productions present. Laying down the law. Billy declare your host. That's me.
Welcome to laying down the law. It's the peanut butter cup of podcasts we take the delicious nutty truth of real law school cases and wrap them up in the sweet delicious milk chocolate of improv comedy with the best performers I can convince to appear on my podcast. Those two great tastes combined to make some delicious edutainment. I'd like to introduce today's guests. They are a virtual tossed salad of improvisers from the Upright Citizens Brigade Theatre in Los Angeles, California. Together they build epic, improvised comedy that transcends our very existence, and that's why they're called ghost individually. They are first Welcome back to the podcast, a writer improviser and the host of the podcast improv beat by beat Mr. Curtis Rutherford.
Curtis Retherford 3:05
Hey, how's it going belly.
William B. DeClercq 3:07
Next, he's an actor who most recently played a cat freak on Disney Channel's ravens home. Oh, Andy Bustillos.
Andy Bustillos 3:16
Thank you for having me. I'm so happy to be here.
William B. DeClercq 3:18
Next, he's a comedian and actor who you will see on screen whenever Ghostbusters afterlife is finally released, Artoun Nazareth. Hey, oh,
Artoun Nazareth 3:30
thank you for having me.
William B. DeClercq 3:31
My next guest is an actor, improviser, dancer, writer, performer, home chef, Crystal lover, magical spirit and cat parent. Please welcome Ruha Taslimi.
Ruha Taslimi 3:44
Thanks for having me.
William B. DeClercq 3:45
Next, he's an adventure guide, storyteller and comedian featured on the moth Radio Hour please welcome Monty Montpare
Monte Montepare 3:52
Hello Billy. How are you?
William B. DeClercq 3:55
Finally this last guest was too busy kicking ass to submit a bio and time so Curtis asked me to say this performer can be seen shitting his pants both on television and stage you can recognize him from the UCB Herald team ghost, where he would often stand around in scenes until Curtis would either mercifully tag him out or walk on and save his sorry ass. Welcome, Jeremy Culhane
Jeremy Culhane 4:24
Thanks, Guys, those are all my real credits. You can follow me at the real Kevin Hart on Instagram.
William B. DeClercq 4:37
Today's episode is very special. We're moving into the area of crime and punishment. Reading the very first case from my middle law textbook. And it's a short one. And this is Martin vs state from the Alabama Court of Appeals 1944 case and since from Alabama. I want to read it like it's from Alabama
Jeremy Culhane 4:59
also Just just first name Martin. Is it just it?
Artoun Nazareth 5:03
or last name Martin says
William B. DeClercq 5:05
mark the mark. Well, typically it's the last name but we'll just say this.
Monte Montepare 5:10
Mark wait let me get let me Martin Are you think if there's just one name it's typically the first name
Jeremy Culhane 5:16
is what? A name like Martin that guy's like I'll share my name.
Yeah, in Alabama courts are very lacks there, Martin come on up to the stand
or get off your bike and come to the stand
Ruha Taslimi 5:33
Alabama this this case is state the state versus Martin.
Artoun Nazareth 5:38
You won't be called Marty we could do Marty if that's what you prefer state versus
Jeremy Culhane 5:41
Joey All right, Joey.
What do I have to do that just thought of friends Joey. That's where my mind went.
Andy Bustillos 5:49
And that was that impression of Matt LeBlanc.
Jeremy Culhane 5:53
And it's mine and it's on my SNL submission this
Andy Bustillos 5:56
year. I heard that ink go through right.
Jeremy Culhane 5:59
Oh, Lauren hated it.
Unknown Speaker 6:04
Rachel, what
Jeremy Culhane 6:04
am I gonna do? fuck was
Curtis Retherford 6:08
that. That was?
William B. DeClercq 6:11
That was yo. Okay.
Jeremy Culhane 6:18
We've gotten two words into the
William B. DeClercq 6:29
and this is a judge Simpson. And that's his first name judge judge Simpson Simpson. The the appellant was convicted of being drunk on a public highway and appeals. Officers of the law arrested him at his house and took him onto the highway, where he allegedly committed the proscribed acts, this major manifested a drunken condition using loud and profane language.
Jeremy Culhane 6:59
What's his major?
William B. DeClercq 7:02
That's a big example.
Curtis Retherford 7:03
Unknown Speaker 7:04
idiot, everyone.
Artoun Nazareth 7:05
Everyone knows what this means. Oh, wait
Jeremy Culhane 7:07
just so far so far. He was drunk at his home. Then the cops took him to a highway that's
Artoun Nazareth 7:14
being drunk on the highway once they brought him there is
Monte Montepare 7:17
no no. What I heard was that they haven't actually said whether or not he was drunk at his house, but He manifested this drunk in states it
Andy Bustillos 7:26
is a Latin word for for something.
Monte Montepare 7:31
Yeah, that's how you get drunk. You manifest it. It's like it's a Tony Robbins thing. It's like if you believe the drunk, you can be the drunk.
Curtis Retherford 7:39
It's a related wine to Manischewitz there's manifest.
Ruha Taslimi 7:44
But overall, it sounds like the cops found him drunk in his home, which is legal and took him to a highway where then they arrested
Jeremy Culhane 7:51
him. Well, then he started cursing.
Andy Bustillos 7:53
Like maybe, maybe he maybe he lived like on the highway, you know, right off the highway. Or he's on the highway. Maybe it's one of those layers got to wait.
Artoun Nazareth 8:04
Yeah, that's what happens.
Ruha Taslimi 8:06
Sometimes a highway goes right through a parking lot. So maybe he lived in one of those. Yeah, in Alaska. I went, there was a time we were driving. We're like, we're on this highway. And all of a sudden we were in a parking lot strip.
Andy Bustillos 8:21
That sounds like the bridge broke and you fell into a parking lot. Or highway broke, and then you landed in a parking lot. And you're like, Oh, this is nice.
Unknown Speaker 8:29
Okay, well.
William B. DeClercq 8:33
So that the pertinent provisions of our statute. This is the law. Any person while intoxicated or drunk appears in any public place where one or more persons are present and manifests a drunken condition by boisterous or indecent conduct, or loud or profane discourse shall on conviction be fined? code 1940, tiles 14 section 120.
Artoun Nazareth 9:02
So this is if there's one or more people there. So if no one was on that highway this guy's in the clear
Ruha Taslimi 9:09
did the cop sound is?
Artoun Nazareth 9:13
See that's that's where they get. Looking at
Jeremy Culhane 9:18
the whole that's the whole case. Well, you
William B. DeClercq 9:20
have we have the facts, which he was drunk. That was law. And then we have reasoning and then the whole thing. Oh, nice. Law School one on one. That's the beginning thing you learn facts, law reasoning, holding. So here's what that here's what judge Simpson said. Under the plain terms of the statute, a voluntary appearance is presupposed. The rule has been declared and we think it's sound that an accusation of drunkenness in a designated public place cannot be established by proof that the accused while in an intoxicated condition. was in voluntarily and forcibly carried to that place by the arresting officer. conviction of appellant was contrary to this announced principle and interview, erroneous, reversed and render. Wow. So
Jeremy Culhane 10:17
even though it doesn't say, even though it doesn't say, okay, you have to have willingly gone to the highway and been drunk, you're just saying like, well, that's we're just assuming that you had to have gone there willingly. That is the voluntary voluntarily a
cab Am I right?
Andy Bustillos 10:35
get in trouble.
Jeremy Culhane 10:36
No they
did. They reversed it What?
Monte Montepare 10:39
Yeah, yeah, that was my favorite part is how much we were all like, oh, Alabama 1944, these Hicks and then we were all stupefied once judge Simpson started speaking by When
Ruha Taslimi 10:53
did we all decide and we all people were? I think we were just all anti waste, which
Unknown Speaker 11:05
was fine. Yeah, it
Jeremy Culhane 11:09
also seems weak. No, he's not. He's dead by now. And it was
Artoun Nazareth 11:13
a well, well, he
Ruha Taslimi 11:14
Yeah, he could be alive. Frankly, he could be Nancy Pelosi.
Andy Bustillos 11:20
name change checker versus have a gut check of
Monte Montepare 11:23
the judge. The judge was like, yeah, cops can't show up and bring you to a place and then say,
Andy Bustillos 11:28
I could not tell
Artoun Nazareth 11:29
them. I think that's what he said. And I think it's what we figured out even before the judge said it, you know, not to say that we're as smart as Judge Simpson, but we certainly honorable enough.
Jeremy Culhane 11:40
That we might be as smart as Judge Simpson. He was in 1946. Like, not many of us stupid, but maybe
it was
Andy Bustillos 11:48
smart in 1944 is dumb into this
Curtis Retherford 11:50
debate. Yeah, well, I think
Andy Bustillos 11:54
Thomas Oh, yeah.
Monte Montepare 11:57
That guy's just like casual letters to people would be we would the literature right now. Okay. Do we couldn't use for the word does he know that
Artoun Nazareth 12:07
we don't need to send letters. We have email these days and texting him trying to figure out an iPhone is a whole different story. Monty.
Ruha Taslimi 12:14
Monty, do you think judges today are less formal than they were in? 1944?
Monte Montepare 12:19
Or just these days? Yeah, chill A F.
Jeremy Culhane 12:23
Judges are like YouTube series, letting off poor people from parking tickets and like, having fun with children.
Monte Montepare 12:30
Okay, here's the deal with this. All right, I'd like to kick it on that. But I'm gonna have to get you this time. You know, you almost clip that guy.
Ruha Taslimi 12:40
Yeah. Anyway, as we all discussed, everyone in 1944 was egg. So we're definitely smarter than judge. Okay, how
Jeremy Culhane 12:50
do we feel about this ruling? I feel like we're all on the same side, right?
Monte Montepare 12:53
Yeah. Oh,
William B. DeClercq 12:56
yeah. That's the whole case.
Andy Bustillos 12:59
I see what the judge said, yeah.
William B. DeClercq 13:00
I did my part. And then I invited six improvisers on my show. And now I just sit here and let you do all the work.
Curtis Retherford 13:09
So that he basically said like, okay, you have it's even if it's not written into the law, you had to have done it essentially, voluntarily.
William B. DeClercq 13:17
Yes, that's the definition of the actus. res. So actus is the act reus is guilty, the guilty acts. So the fact that he was in voluntarily carry out on the highway, the basically the judge says it's not in the actual statute, right. But you have to actually walk out on the highway, so you can't have a cops take you out there. And then you act a drunk on the highway. It's perfectly legal to be drunk loud and boisterous in your own home. So So that's the basic ideas is you you can't be guilty of a crime if you didn't actually commit the physical act.
Artoun Nazareth 13:51
No. My question is, if this sets precedent, how could we use this for our advantage? You know, if, if, say, we're going to say I'm drinking with my buddies, and then they're like, we got to go to the park. I'm like, I don't wanna and then they're like, Well, come on. I can later turn to the judge, Your Honor. Simpson,
Jeremy Culhane 14:18
I think that's what you do you get on you order people to save dragged me to the park?
Artoun Nazareth 14:26
My will against my will. I'll put up a bit of a struggle. I'll put up a fight. It'll be fine. Fine,
Jeremy Culhane 14:32
are tuned. You think the cops brought him onto the freeway with peer pressure? Not because they're fucking cops? Well,
Artoun Nazareth 14:39
it was definitely it was it was deadly.
Ruha Taslimi 14:46
Yeah, I'm gonna say one. I don't think judge Simpson is gonna see your case. I think maybe judge Simpson isn't worth the same or two. I think.
Unknown Speaker 14:55
Well, I believe this. Well, I
Ruha Taslimi 14:56
think that
Andy Bustillos 14:58
it was improper. Just Simpson in honor,
Ruha Taslimi 15:01
I do think that the Yeah, for the real one. I do think that the precedent is based on the arresting officers being the people to take the person on willingly to a public place. So I don't think you could just get friends or people you pay.
Jeremy Culhane 15:20
What about
imagine being one of those officers going like, well, he's at fault because we found him on the highway drunk. I mean, we put him there, but he was still drunk.
Andy Bustillos 15:35
I must have hated him. They definitely hated him more. He was like their brother or whatever.
Artoun Nazareth 15:40
Well imagine this is this is what they're thinking. They're like, it's illegal to be drunk on the highway. We hate this guy. Let's go get him drunk and then put up there. We got his ass.
Jeremy Culhane 15:56
Just doing that for people that you hate. trying to trick them into illegal things. Hi, I'm
Andy Bustillos 16:08
here to get my license photo taken.
Ruha Taslimi 16:12
Yes. Step right up. Is this your paperwork?
Andy Bustillos 16:16
Yes, FYI. My name is Martin. And that's it.
Ruha Taslimi 16:20
Okay, so just single named Martin. Like, Share.
Andy Bustillos 16:27
Thank you. Yes, it just like that
Ruha Taslimi 16:29
Brits, Martin. And this was approved, right already.
Andy Bustillos 16:32
Cuz I'm just I just I mean pictures. I walked over and I just waved the paper real quick. And I went this okay. Right. And then they said, What? And then I went, it's gotta be good.
Ruha Taslimi 16:40
Oh, yeah. I'm actually don't see there. You have to get like a sign off on this. So if you could go and just come right back. Okay.
Andy Bustillos 16:49
See, every time I go and try to get this worked out, everyone says no, you have to have two full names and you can have one. And you can't say that your height is three foot two, even though in my mind, I feel small. Oh, sir. So I want my license to say what I want my license to say how I feel. You know what I mean? Oh,
Unknown Speaker 17:08
Jeremy Culhane 17:09
that's not what did you call me? Did you call me? I'm how we feel. Oh.
Andy Bustillos 17:16
Wow. That's so funny.
Jeremy Culhane 17:18
It was actually my cousin how we feel? Um, how we feel I miss cousin. Is that your real name? Oh, my real name is actually a Martin. Oh.
Ruha Taslimi 17:29
Was that just a sigh?
Jeremy Culhane 17:31
Yeah, it's a sigh I changed it from Martin to Howie because people kept confusing us.
Andy Bustillos 17:36
Yeah. Happens all the time.
Ruha Taslimi 17:39
Okay, well, um,
Andy Bustillos 17:41
as you can see the eye color on it says gold. So write that in?
Ruha Taslimi 17:46
Well, but I'm looking at your eyes and they are
Andy Bustillos 17:49
you can't see them. They're close. That could be gold. Open them with a
Ruha Taslimi 17:52
photo. Okay. I saw them when you first walked up here. You had your eyes open?
Andy Bustillos 17:57
No, maybe it was a brown light and my eyes It could happen.
Ruha Taslimi 17:59
Okay, well, listen. You seem like a whimsical person
Jeremy Culhane 18:02
trying to call me. You call me. I'm sorry. What do you call person?
Ruha Taslimi 18:08
Oh, no, sir. I'm so sorry.
Jeremy Culhane 18:10
That's my name. Sorry. whimsical person.
Ruha Taslimi 18:13
Do you happen to know these two?
Jeremy Culhane 18:15
Oh, these are my cousins.
Curtis Retherford 18:16
Yeah. Yeah. Michael.
Jeremy Culhane 18:21
How are we feeling?
How are we
gonna call his name? So I was trying to see how take a temperature of the room.
Artoun Nazareth 18:30
Did somebody call
Unknown Speaker 18:32
me? What is your name? purcha. Room.
Ruha Taslimi 18:36
Temperature room. First name pircher. Last Name room? Yes. Okay. Well, you do have to
Artoun Nazareth 18:47
Martin, Howie. Hello.
Jeremy Culhane 18:50
What's my name? Did
Andy Bustillos 18:50
you forget your other
Curtis Retherford 18:51
cousin's name?
Artoun Nazareth 18:52
You got it? We've Zico?
Unknown Speaker 18:54
Yeah, of
Andy Bustillos 18:55
course I can you forget?
William B. DeClercq 18:56
Did somebody call me?
Unknown Speaker 18:58
William B. DeClercq 19:00
it's me. Did you call?
Artoun Nazareth 19:03
Oh, cousin.Did you call?
Unknown Speaker 19:06
Did you call?
Ruha Taslimi 19:06
Is that one word or two?
William B. DeClercq 19:09
Did you use my first name and calls my last name?
Ruha Taslimi 19:12
Andy Bustillos 19:13
Can we all do a license all together? Like a family license?
Jeremy Culhane 19:20
license, we'll mostly be driving together so we should just have that together license.
Ruha Taslimi 19:24
That's not how it works. Unfortunately
Jeremy Culhane 19:27
a pie Why isn't that how it works?
Unknown Speaker 19:29
If we're trying to live in a world like
Ruha Taslimi 19:32
this. This is the DMV. It is not a whimsical place or a place where you just put how you want to how you feel on the inside on your license. This is very formal. We need accurate representations for your identification. In case you're pulled over while driving. Because driving a car is a big responsibility.
Jeremy Culhane 19:57
So we will be driving Cars Don't worry.
Artoun Nazareth 20:02
No way.
William B. DeClercq 20:04
But we drive trains. Your your locomotive man.
Artoun Nazareth 20:08
Unknown Speaker 20:09
Okay, look.
Jeremy Culhane 20:13
You know those big long things. That's us.
William B. DeClercq 20:16
Yeah, we're here to get one of those licenses.
Jeremy Culhane 20:20
Look at accordion license, um,
Ruha Taslimi 20:24
Who told you to come here? I guess is what I'm wondering was that and koecher Ashton Kutcher,
Artoun Nazareth 20:31
okay. You've been a great advertisement we watched.
Ruha Taslimi 20:35
And was it and it was the advertisement called MTV punked.
Unknown Speaker 20:39
Artoun Nazareth 20:41
yeah. Hey, you're
Jeremy Culhane 20:43
watching MTV five, check out. Ashton Kutcher is pumped season 19. No, by the way, normally, an advertisement would say, Hey, watch our show. But in this advertisement, I am telling you right now, instead of watching our show, go to the DMV, tell them that you drive a locomotive. Tell
Andy Bustillos 21:02
them that was a great take, um, you're kind of veering off a little bit. Yeah, so we're just trying to get a little ad for MTV. So we're gonna hit record again and just stick to the lines. Sure. You're just promoting the show again? Yeah, so whenever you're ready, and three to record an on
Jeremy Culhane 21:19
Welcome to MTV is pumped? Nope. This isn't the show. This is an advertisement. Hold on. Let me just take that again. And we're rolling 321. I'm calling in myself. MTV is pumped on MTV five, check it out. And while you're checking it out, go ahead and come on over to my place. Well, I'll watch it together. We'll get Cheeto fingers and but we'll get Cheeto fingers of different types. Press our fingers together. And now you've got half hot fingers. And I
Andy Bustillos 21:45
am haws. Okay, I'll let you go on for a while because I wanted to see if it was gonna come back around. But it got worse. It was. Yeah, so I
Monte Montepare 21:53
Yeah. Hey, Greg. Greg, can I can I talk to you in private for a second? Ashton just I don't know what the line sit with it for a second. Okay.
Andy Bustillos 22:04
What's up, man?
Monte Montepare 22:06
I think we need to bring back the guy from Candid Camera. What was that guy's name?
Andy Bustillos 22:11
I don't know, man. I'm
only 18.
Monte Montepare 22:14
What we need, I'm saying leader replacement. Okay. I don't think for any question. Yeah. I mean, use it. He's obviously losing it.
Andy Bustillos 22:23
Well, remember that time he talked about reading a story to his daughter and cried? Wasn't that like a vine or something that he did? And it was really weird. That's a real thing that Ashley's better.
Monte Montepare 22:34
I'm 72 I don't know what you're talking about.
Jeremy Culhane 22:37
Did someone call for me? It's me. Allen Funt? host of old show. Canon camera. Oh, it's
you guy,
Monte Montepare 22:46
Greg. You're a genius.
Oh, I
Jeremy Culhane 22:50
was here for sound. I've just been running the sound. But I lost my job after Candid Camera.
Monte Montepare 22:57
Just know the timing. Alan could you will hop in the booth next to ash and for a second. Oh, I
Jeremy Culhane 23:03
don't know if I'm ready for that. You see, I had pretty traumatic real experience, which made me give up all the Candid Camera. I was on a plane and I was having a heart attack. And I was screaming somebody helped me Somebody please help me. And everybody thought it was a candid camera joke. So died. almost died because of that. So now I just do audio. Audio and vocal. Wow.
William B. DeClercq 23:28
Hello, everybody.
This is Robin Leach from Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous. I'm getting real tired of pushing this boom around. Do you think I can set it down while we wait for Ashton to work on his lines.
Unknown Speaker 23:38
I told you don't take a break until I told you to take a break.
William B. DeClercq 23:41
Right, I've got champagne wishes and caviar dreams for setting my boom down.
Jeremy Culhane 23:47
I'm gonna rip you apart. If you put your boom down. Okay, you are under my jurisdiction. When you control that. Boom. You're under my jurisdiction.
Monte Montepare 23:55
Hey, bud. Watch your heart. Watch your heart. Okay,
Unknown Speaker 23:57
watch your heart. Alright.
Monte Montepare 24:00
We need you. Okay.
Jeremy Culhane 24:04
What do you want me to do?
I don't know. I don't know.
I'm just feeling
Monte Montepare 24:12
dude. We were wondering if you could do a rollover.
JayRay 24:25
Or do
Artoun Nazareth 24:31
this program was brought to you in memory of our
Jeremy Culhane 24:37
watch and DVDs punked. With me Ashton Kutcher. That was the three minute promo
Alright guys, I think Can I just say something? Honestly,
Artoun Nazareth 24:50
please, please, please, please.
Jeremy Culhane 24:52
Yeah. Okay, so we're all here. We're having great time. You know, I'm just hanging on my best friends. I feel like I feel like Jeffrey's coming a little late. And that's on purpose because I don't want him in our group anymore.
So I was just Well, you know, he's a little he's a little peculiar and a little annoying. Am I wrong here?
Okay, just hear me out. Just
hear me out.
Monte Montepare 25:18
What every the room will say that he doesn't read. Thank you.
Jeremy Culhane 25:21
Thank you. Okay, so here's my idea. What if we trick them into doing something really illegal? And then he goes to jail for a couple of years?
Artoun Nazareth 25:32
Just for like, 10 2020. What kind of, like a couple couple decades or two
Ruha Taslimi 25:39
for tricking them into
kind of a big crime there. Right.
Jeremy Culhane 25:44
Yeah. So like, we tricked them into that, and, and we just let it happen. Well, what kinds
Artoun Nazareth 25:49
of things get you 1020? You know, I'm
Jeremy Culhane 25:53
Martin. Larson. Larson and Larson. Larson and Larson.
Artoun Nazareth 25:59
The old duo, that's the 1020
Jeremy Culhane 26:04
Here it comes.
Hey, hey, Jeff. What's up, Jeff? Hey, what's
Artoun Nazareth 26:13
up, Jeff? Hey,
Unknown Speaker 26:16
Jeff. Hey.
Andy Bustillos 26:20
Everyone told you how much pushing me today.
Jeremy Culhane 26:24
How much pussy did I eat? Today? how little I did. You know I'm in a relationship. So as you have asked me how many? How many?
Artoun Nazareth 26:33
Many, many What?
Andy Bustillos 26:35
4444 today alone.
Jeremy Culhane 26:37
He says we already don't.
What is that noise?
Andy Bustillos 26:42
What is the pop when it pops when it pops with?
Artoun Nazareth 26:46
Hey, Jeff. Hey, Jeff. I think I saw a Natty light that on the street corner. Oh.
Jeremy Culhane 26:54
Okay. 10 to 20 years is not going to be enough.
Artoun Nazareth 26:56
It's not going to be enough. I think.
Monte Montepare 26:59
a robbery What about an armed robbery? Yeah, that could be good. That'll do it.
Artoun Nazareth 27:03
That'll do. That'll do it.
Jeremy Culhane 27:04
Alright, guys, come on.
Unknown Speaker 27:05
We can go to it.
Monte Montepare 27:07
I think if we just put a Natty light on the other side of something, he'll probably rob it. Rob that place.
Jeremy Culhane 27:14
Okay. Wow, that's pretty good idea. Let's let's try to see if this works. Oh, guys.
Andy Bustillos 27:18
It wasn't a Natty life. There's a raccoon. But I fucking shotgun Did you?
Ruha Taslimi 27:25
You eight directions pussy.
Andy Bustillos 27:27
I did ask. That's 45
Okay. 45 million. How
Curtis Retherford 27:31
many of you do Jeremy half a one. Ed?
Ruha Taslimi 27:35
How many policies have been human?
Andy Bustillos 27:40
That's that's between me and up is the I don't think it
Jeremy Culhane 27:42
is. I don't think it is. Okay.
Artoun Nazareth 27:45
Oh, I got a little spin on that one.
Ruha Taslimi 27:49
Oh, you know what? I saw Natty it. Somebody left with Natty light in the bathroom. Just Okay, so is bestiality crimes?
Unknown Speaker 28:00
I think it is. It is but
Jeremy Culhane 28:02
I don't think it's like a high incarceration definitely a 3040 definitely a 3040
Monte Montepare 28:08
I don't know guy he went he said he shot gun that raccoon and to him that meant that he? I don't know. There's a lot of pieces missing piece of misses.
Ruha Taslimi 28:18
All I'm saying is we might not need to trick him. Like he might be doing stuff. That's what if?
William B. DeClercq 28:25
Jeremy Culhane 28:27
Maybe we could just set up a policy firm or something like that.
Ruha Taslimi 28:30
Okay, like a quick policy farm. I guess.
Andy Bustillos 28:34
Guys, my ears are burning. I heard the word pussy. I'm outside open the door. What's wrong? Is this door stuck?
Artoun Nazareth 28:40
stuck. It's stuck. We'll see if we can unhinge it. Need some lubricant or something?
William B. DeClercq 28:46
Yeah. Do you have any work on it? my
Jeremy Culhane 28:51
pussy now? Oh, no, no. Oh my god. What?
Monte Montepare 29:00
What do you what do you say? It's all over. It came through all the cracks in the door.
Jeremy Culhane 29:04
The door just scored it. Wow. Oh, my God.
Andy Bustillos 29:09
I ejaculated from every pore.
Jeremy Culhane 29:10
Oh Ha big puppy. It's
the Yeah.
Oh, look, look at Jeff.
There's there's a Natty light right right outside that window. You should go. Go check it out.
Monte Montepare 29:28
We gotta kill it.
Curtis Retherford 29:31
I think we just we kill him
Monte Montepare 29:32
Artoun Nazareth 29:33
If we all do it together. It'll be split five ways. So 10 years each, as opposed to the usual. Well,
Monte Montepare 29:41
I don't want to get frickin caught.
William B. DeClercq 29:42
Yeah, we can try to not get caught two weeks from now.
Ruha Taslimi 29:46
Let's tell him there's a pussy farm.
Unknown Speaker 29:49
Wanna go
Ruha Taslimi 29:51
will tell him there's a bunch of Natty lights and a pussy farm farm.
Artoun Nazareth 29:53
And then we we bang we get
Monte Montepare 29:57
in the car. You're talking about pulling them
Jeremy Culhane 30:00
Later, two weeks yes Welcome to the pushy farm can I help? Yes Yeah
Andy Bustillos 30:04
You look like you crunch you crunch them
Jeremy Culhane 30:09
no we do we just we breed cats here at the farm. Exactly.
Andy Bustillos 30:16
Put me Adam how much nevermind i got it. Hey.
Jeremy Culhane 30:33
we did it.
Ruha Taslimi 30:34
We didn't even do it the pussy farmer
Jeremy Culhane 30:42
everything ready to testify
Artoun Nazareth 30:45
we're gonna have to kill this
Jeremy Culhane 30:48
hey that's great Why don't you testify right over here by the river come testify okay Just tell me what you see right right guys guys
Artoun Nazareth 30:57
guys guys guys guys guys why do we need to kill him when we can just try to get him in prison as well for separate crime was kind of annoying at the time right
Ruha Taslimi 31:17
Natty light over there by the river
Jeremy Culhane 31:22
Ruha Taslimi 31:24
he sucks
Jeremy Culhane 31:30
he's more annoying the Jeff this morning.
Ruha Taslimi 31:33
Did you slow guys
Jeremy Culhane 31:35
we're gonna kill him but in two weeks from now at a fair
Andy Bustillos 31:41
two weeks from now. Step right up bow around what do we got here? You got the whole game you throw a little ball at a clown and it hits his head and then you might win a prize. We also got this shoot the water gun into a little mountain
Monte Montepare 31:53
face with the ball
Curtis Retherford 31:55
do it. Oh, and also this one.
Andy Bustillos 31:58
This guy volunteered to do this himself. We don't make him do it. FYI, just
Unknown Speaker 32:03
cloud hit me.
Andy Bustillos 32:05
Okay, Step right up. All right, who's next? Who's
Curtis Retherford 32:08
got it? Next?
Andy Bustillos 32:10
Here we go. octogenarian coming up. He's got strong arms. Let's see what happens. Here we go. Here's three balls. Alright. And whenever you're ready,
Jeremy Culhane 32:18
Monte Montepare 32:20
Oh, you hate me, but it didn't hurt bad enough. Oh,
Ruha Taslimi 32:26
I shot that clown. I'm sorry. The clown was worse.
Jeremy Culhane 32:28
Artoun Nazareth 32:31
Totally worse than the pushy farmer.
Andy Bustillos 32:35
This is a first for this fair.
Artoun Nazareth 32:47
So annoying.
Andy Bustillos 32:50
Can't can't win a prize if you don't. If you don't know what the rules are anymore. Oh, your shot me on the tip of the deck.
Monte Montepare 32:58
No. That was
Andy Bustillos 33:00
my favorite part of my day. Yeah, let's
Jeremy Culhane 33:02
get this guy to
Unknown Speaker 33:05
take the gun.
Andy Bustillos 33:06
Everyone always says the tip is the nicest part.
Jeremy Culhane 33:09
Who says that? Who says my mother my
Andy Bustillos 33:11
mother. Bang
Jeremy Culhane 33:12
Bang Bang Bang. big big big big big,
Ruha Taslimi 33:16
big, big big pew pew pew. All right. You
Jeremy Culhane 33:20
stand a trial for committing murder.
Artoun Nazareth 33:23
Yes. Yeah. Oh, sure.
Jeremy Culhane 33:28
You just admitted to it. You're going to jail?
Ruha Taslimi 33:30
No, we were just
agreeing that we're standing trial.
Jeremy Culhane 33:36
Oh, yeah. have a job. If you're not if you just admitted to it. Well, my name isn't Simpson Simpson. Okay. No, I know what y'all did. Y'all killed them people. And now you're going to jail.
Hold on. A judge Simpson. I believe my clients have standing under the precedent of the case. guilty person says what?
Monte Montepare 34:00
Jeremy Culhane 34:05
wait, no, wait, just a flippin hibben minute right here. All Bartholomew but go You're the best dog lawyer here in Atlanta, Georgia. You're all free. And Bartholomew. I'll see you next case.
Unknown Speaker 34:21
All right.
Artoun Nazareth 34:24
Go to MTV. Follow me on Simpson. Tuesdays at eight.
Ruha Taslimi 34:35
Okay, Bartholomew and Simpson. We're just going to need to cut a new commercial for for the new season. Yeah. Okay. So we were just thinking instead of clips, you just sort of welcome people to the next season and talk a little bit about the upcoming cases. Okay. Okay.
Jeremy Culhane 34:55
Howdy there. My
name is Simpson Simpson.
And my name is Simpsons. Wait, hold
on there.
Let's take it again.
Ruha Taslimi 35:03
Yeah, from the top. You are not Simpson says
Curtis Retherford 35:07
Yep. Okay.
Ruha Taslimi 35:08
Okay, three, two.
Jeremy Culhane 35:14
Sorry we started with me again or where we started
who's Yeah, just from the top three and who's to? Oh,
Ruha Taslimi 35:20
I was just counting you in. I'm actually I'll do the two in one silent. Okay, three.
Jeremy Culhane 35:27
Well, howdy, you've reached Simpson Simpson.
Please leave a voice.
Ruha Taslimi 35:33
Cut, cut, cut, cut, cut. Hey, hey, Jodi,
Monte Montepare 35:35
can I talk to you for a second? Yeah, sure. Yeah.
Artoun Nazareth 35:43
Oh, yeah, we'll just be by these eclairs Yeah.
Monte Montepare 35:49
God, yeah, I don't I mean, what else we got? Can we get like a judge math is in here. Like,
Ruha Taslimi 35:56
I don't know who else who says judge math.
Monte Montepare 36:01
You know, classic TV judge.
Ruha Taslimi 36:03
I'm 18 however,
Monte Montepare 36:06
I've never heard of Judge man seems to mature you got everything together. You said you had cat.
Artoun Nazareth 36:11
Hello. The jumper is shadrach Matterson. Sorry, I was just baking some eclairs and I couldn't help but overhear that
Ruha Taslimi 36:20
judge Matheson, you're the craft services pastry chef that we hired.
Artoun Nazareth 36:25
That's right. That's right. I thought a pastry chef for dish craft services is very lucrative.
Jeremy Culhane 36:32
Judge Masterson Why don't you take my taffy, so you spent my taffy? Oh,
Artoun Nazareth 36:37
oh. Sorry. Sorry. You know, when a piece of taffy really gets to the earlier math, it's hard to really speak.
Monte Montepare 36:52
Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Hey, judge. Judge, what do you think you want? Are you you're ready to come back to TV? What do you think you can Oh,
Artoun Nazareth 36:59
I never No, no. See, I was on a cruise not too long ago. And while I was there, a whole series of murders took place and they all turned to me to judge it. And as you know how to tell a judge and I felt woefully unprepared and thought I can't. I can't do this. Don't don't
do too. I. Oh,
Ruha Taslimi 37:30
sorry. Judge Simpson. Are you choking on the clear?
Jeremy Culhane 37:34
What are these Ben? Yeah. I've never had a been a quiet like this before.
Monte Montepare 37:42
It's cuz they're screaming and they're not. Yeah, they're.
Artoun Nazareth 37:48
Oh, no. Oh,
Ruha Taslimi 37:49
here's some water. Do you wanna
Artoun Nazareth 37:52
come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come. out.
Unknown Speaker 38:03
Put him put him. Bump, bump, bump, bump, bump, bump, bump, bump, bump.
William B. DeClercq 38:07
I'm the people's core theme song. And I've been holding the boom mic for all this time. I'm just wondering,
Unknown Speaker 38:13
do you need a judge?
William B. DeClercq 38:14
I spent all these years watching judge Wagner do his work. And I just want to come in and be the judge on the show.
Jeremy Culhane 38:20
I think this is a good idea. Let's let him be the judge
Monte Montepare 38:22
god I'm
Unknown Speaker 38:25
having this fall
William B. DeClercq 38:29
on people's honor.
Jeremy Culhane 38:31
My boyfriend stole my dog.
Curtis Retherford 38:34
I don't even know what a dog
Andy Bustillos 38:35
looks like Joke's on her. What do
Jeremy Culhane 38:37
you have to say judge who's right and who's wrong? Well, that's enough for me. Thank you.
Andy Bustillos 38:46
Thank you.
Unknown Speaker 38:49
Open up. Okay.
Andy Bustillos 38:51
That was a nice knock. Do we have to that seemed like a very nice knock. What? Sorry, the number three gentle
Ruha Taslimi 38:58
This is a cough open up. Sorry.
Andy Bustillos 39:01
It's still very so I feel like normally cops have like a sort of hard knock. Yeah. I heard you're actually a cop.
Ruha Taslimi 39:07
I am a cop. I am a cop, please. I'm officer Stevens. And this is my partner officer Milwaukee. And we're out here. Just looking for drunk people. So if you could open the door.
Andy Bustillos 39:18
Oh, all right. Yeah, come on in. Thank you. Yeah. Is it normal to look for drunk people in someone's home?
Jeremy Culhane 39:28
Well, there's no drunk people elsewhere. Okay. You think we're just gonna let the crime happen? We're like precogs in Minority Report. Okay, we're going out there and stopping the drunk events before they occur by making them happen.
Andy Bustillos 39:43
What movie is that? I'm only
Jeremy Culhane 39:45
Minority Report. I literally just said the title.
Ruha Taslimi 39:47
You're only seven. Oh, that was a book. Okay. Well, seven is right for underage drinking. Buddy. Are you drunk right now? No.
Jeremy Culhane 39:56
Okay, well, honey, who's at the door?
Curtis Retherford 40:00
Andy Bustillos 40:02
to cops and that put them in quotations.
Ruha Taslimi 40:06
And cops.
William B. DeClercq 40:07
Did they Mirandize you son because otherwise you can just ask them to leave.
Andy Bustillos 40:12
That's my dad. He's a ghost and he lives in the walls.
Ruha Taslimi 40:15
Your dad's a ghost who lives in the walls?
Unknown Speaker 40:17
Yes, those
William B. DeClercq 40:18
two lives in the walls. Did you Mirandize my son?
Jeremy Culhane 40:23
We're doing it right now. Hey, you, kid you got the right to remain silent. Anything you say can or will be used against you in the court of law. Do you understand these rights as they've been read to you?
William B. DeClercq 40:33
I'm sorry. I was referring to Lin Manuel Miranda. No.
Andy Bustillos 40:38
You're my dad. My dad did the music for every Broadway show you ever heard of.
Jeremy Culhane 40:43
All right. Hey, son. Do you promise you've only got one shot and you won't blow it? He won't take it away. You've got one shot you will understand your rights. You won't find out
Andy Bustillos 40:56
this cop is a nerd can we kill this cop? This cops a nerd honey, who
Jeremy Culhane 41:00
are you talking to at the door? Oh, no.
Andy Bustillos 41:05
That nerd I think
Ruha Taslimi 41:06
Listen, kid, you just gotta take this one shot. One shot of tequila. And then we'll arrest you for underage drinking. One shot. It's your one shot ticket. Here you go. Come on. Don't you want to try it?
William B. DeClercq 41:19
I'm sorry.
Monte Montepare 41:20
The devil on your shoulder. The devil on your shoulder? Yes, that's right. You want to take the tequila and drink it?
Put your tongue in it alleges about Lola Lola.
Artoun Nazareth 41:32
Hi, I'm your angel. The angel on your shoulder. Don't take the shot. 10 987654321.
Jeremy Culhane 41:43
All right caps. In here.
Ruha Taslimi 41:45
Yeah, sorry. Sorry, Captain. What's up,
Jeremy Culhane 41:48
I've been hearing a lot of rumors that you guys are trying to start some funny business on the beat.
Ruha Taslimi 41:53
Well, we're making a big deal about our Knox being too soft and novice from Milwaukee and I am already signed up for a knock class. So
Jeremy Culhane 42:01
that's not the only thing I've heard ever you guys are trying to bring the Hamilton musical into a cup world. And all I gotta say is I'm proud of you. I think this is a marvelous idea. Cops are really really struggling in terms of PR these days. So anything helps. Let's try to get the youth on our side. I say so honestly, yeah. Keep it up. Let's keep on doing Hamilton are musical related numbers. Anything more artsy. fartsy Oh, that but Django wango. Anything works?
Monte Montepare 42:30
Jeremy Culhane 42:30
Wait, could we maybe we could stop, you know, beating brown people and throw maybe.
Maybe you can shut your mouth. That COP is a brotherhood, a fraternity? We tell no thing. And we don't do anything. What we're going to do instead is musical numbers. Hey, Chief. Yeah.
Artoun Nazareth 42:52
It's three o'clock. You said you had a big announcement for us. So you've been preparing something?
Ruha Taslimi 43:00
Sorry. Yeah. I was just working on maybe we could announce it that way by saying like the Phantom on the call for like cop opera. If you want to catch on.
Jeremy Culhane 43:12
Yeah, no, that's a that's not a bad idea. But not your best idea. I gotta be honest.
Ruha Taslimi 43:16
Okay. Well, and what did you think of that? Knock? Was that a better and often?
Jeremy Culhane 43:19
That was a soft wrist work on that just strengthen those forearms. throw a baseball it helps throw baseball a couple of times. You'll you'll work the same muscles. Yes, we do have a big announcement back to the point. We do have a big announcement coming in right at 3pm Sorry, I
Andy Bustillos 43:35
heard my name coming in. But someone called me I'm officer coming in.
Jeremy Culhane 43:39
Officer coming in. We not good timing. Not good timing. But take us right? We can take a seat. Definitely.
Andy Bustillos 43:47
I you know how many times I came today?
Jeremy Culhane 43:49
Yep. So that was the big announcement officer coming in has been coming everywhere around the city and it's not good for us not good. offers are coming in. Please stop it.
Andy Bustillos 44:00
So there's a guy
Jeremy Culhane 44:02
sometimes I just wish friggin
Andy Bustillos 44:04
guys are whispering What are you talking about?
Jeremy Culhane 44:07
Hey, look, obviously coming in. There's a big natural light right over there. In the Whoo. Oh, my
Andy Bustillos 44:13
dad was the DP I love it.
Jeremy Culhane 44:18
He's obsessed with that natural light flow again. Because he is director of photography.
His dad worked on Barry Lyndon so it makes sense.
Yeah, as a force let's you know increase the numbers let's let's make ourselves likable again. And by that I mean let's do some musical numbers and bringing art bringing art bringing fun bringing happiness.
Ruha Taslimi 44:41
Okay, but as far as making ourselves more likeable, we're not at all concerned with just shut
Jeremy Culhane 44:46
your fucking mouth. Shut your trip. Cops are a brotherhood. We're a fraternity of men and women, but mostly men who is co ra
birinci Marines save it for your musical motherfucker. How do you think I got here? Or at fucking work and hard time and shooting a lot of fucking people
like God
William B. DeClercq 45:19
completed our rap singing training It's time for some dance fighting chokehold imaginary dance training. You there officer coming in, get over you there walkie get in front center.
Jeremy Culhane 45:36
Oh, is he about to choke me?
William B. DeClercq 45:39
I would like to see a simulated dance fighting chokehold
Andy Bustillos 45:45
for four time
William B. DeClercq 45:47
three four time What is this girl
Andy Bustillos 45:52
Sorry sir. Okay,
Ruha Taslimi 45:54
okay 565678123123
okay sorry it's
Monte Montepare 46:09
always the hardest part is the music
Unknown Speaker 46:22
come again
Unknown Speaker 46:24
come again
Jeremy Culhane 46:28
wow wow.
William B. DeClercq 46:31
Not only have you mastered the dance fighting chokehold you've also mastered the self congratulation curtain call post coke chokehold Congratulations,
you graduates thank you so much
Unknown Speaker 46:44
You got it
Jeremy Culhane 46:47
I just got swallowed by that hole.
Oh wait wait I'm sorry to stop the training I'm here to fill in the hole we keep losing most of the recruits to the big hole next to the train
Monte Montepare 47:02
he made a noise it made like I get eight I get just eight officer come again. It sounded like head was that
Jeremy Culhane 47:10
yeah, I think I think the whole oh my god he will
Unknown Speaker 47:15
let me live. Oh
Monte Montepare 47:20
man, that was the whole well, you know that was the whole you're
Andy Bustillos 47:29
getting closer getting closer.
Jeremy Culhane 47:30
No, no, guys don't get closer. This is how the whole No, I'm connecting with it.
Monte Montepare 47:36
I'm gonna get I feel like
Jeremy Culhane 47:41
guys, we know two things right now. Okay, first off, the whole is going to eat you. Okay, second, the whole is a fan of corn and is going to make a freak on a leash like sound right before it eats you. Okay? Yeah,
Andy Bustillos 47:54
how many butts you guys eat today?
Unknown Speaker 47:58
Artoun Nazareth 48:02
Well, this guy this guy can't move so so we just leave if hos around to eat ass in the middle of nowhere. Really eating ass. Look at the
Ruha Taslimi 48:16
other recruits. Is it just me or is that whole Jeffrey?
Monte Montepare 48:20
Unknown Speaker 48:22
God. Yeah, I
Unknown Speaker 48:23
see it.
Ruha Taslimi 48:25
Anyway, let's get on with our dance training just a little further away from the whole.
Jeremy Culhane 48:29
Let's get back to that. I
think Yeah, skip that. Let's just walk a little bit farther away. Let's get back to dancing. All right.
Unknown Speaker 48:36
What's your next move?
Unknown Speaker 48:36
Jeremy Culhane 48:37
Yeah. Well, we were gonna
Ruha Taslimi 48:38
do I think it was officer Milwaukee and officer Stevenson. Is
William B. DeClercq 48:41
that right? Milwaukee? Stevenson.
Jeremy Culhane 48:43
I think y'all we're gonna walk next to the hole. Well, you're gonna walk next to the hole. There's a hole.
He is talking to the hole
shaking around.
Ruha Taslimi 48:58
That tree sounds so familiar, right?
Unknown Speaker 49:02
Jeremy Culhane 49:02
It's like we're being haunted by all the ghosts that we've killed. years ago together. When we made that blood pact. We killed all those people and then said, Let's join the cops.
Ruha Taslimi 49:12
Yeah, cuz we're like a
Artoun Nazareth 49:14
brotherhood fraternity. Somewhere where we need to be safe.
Jeremy Culhane 49:20
Okay, well, I guess we can just kind of walk away from the
Unknown Speaker 49:24
other thing that's
Ruha Taslimi 49:25
pretty sure that she is the pussy farmer. But yeah, let's walk away from it.
Jeremy Culhane 49:30
Okay, sorry. Sorry. I'm What do you want us to do? Who Stephenson in Milwaukee?
Artoun Nazareth 49:35
Okay. All right. All right. Yes.
Ruha Taslimi 49:38
Okay, and sorry, jet. What time is this? Oh, this
Artoun Nazareth 49:42
is seven eight.
Ruha Taslimi 49:44
Okay, great. 56123456
Jeremy Culhane 49:49
that 6878 are we gonna be doing musicals to spoon man
Go google google
knee. It's against being a cop pizza gas. If you want to be a cop, you got to be a cop. And if you want to be a cop, you've got to call the cops and you want to wait a minute. So that what is that? there's a there's a hole over here. Oh my god, the tip of this whole dick got shut off.
Unknown Speaker 50:29
Can you tell that?
Jeremy Culhane 50:32
I know a lot about holes. Oh, okay. I took a whole anatomy class in college. Okay,
Ruha Taslimi 50:37
okay, just move away from the whole move away from the whole. And 1254321.
Jeremy Culhane 50:44
Okay, can you go to just counting? Can you just learn how to count for like, it's not even that it's not to the time at this point. You're not even counting and sequence.
Ruha Taslimi 50:53
I thought that was the I thought we were doing an interesting sequence. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Okay, that's my bad. That's my bad.
Jeremy Culhane 50:59
You know what you should do? Since you can't count. You should go frickin work at the DMV. Instead of being a cop.
William B. DeClercq 51:06
Jeremy Culhane 51:08
That's how you first got your job at the DMV? Yes.
Ruha Taslimi 51:14
And I know I've spent all day just talking to your cousins. But if you are the only people here and yeah, that is how I came here to the DMV. Wow. Do you
Andy Bustillos 51:23
want to be a cousin?
We could use another cousin.
Artoun Nazareth 51:27
Yeah, we're not blood cousins.
Ruha Taslimi 51:29
None of you ever blood cousins?
Jeremy Culhane 51:31
No, no, look.
Andy Bustillos 51:33
We're all completely different races
Artoun Nazareth 51:35
and right whimsical.
Ruha Taslimi 51:36
Well, I would never assume that just because you were different races. You couldn't be cousins, you know, but
Jeremy Culhane 51:41
well, you should. You should.
Okay, well, that is your least whimsical.
Ruha Taslimi 51:48
Okay, but I don't have a fun name like the rest of you. My name is just boring.
Jeremy Culhane 51:52
Well, what is your name?
Ruha Taslimi 51:54
Patricia Stevenson. Oh,
William B. DeClercq 52:01
that's a crazy name.
Unknown Speaker 52:03
It is.
Jeremy Culhane 52:04
That's a perfect name for a locomotive driver. That's right.
Artoun Nazareth 52:08
Almost as good as picture room.
Ruha Taslimi 52:13
Almost as good as pircher rube
Artoun Nazareth 52:15
purcha. rube mine,
Jeremy Culhane 52:16
that's our cousin.
Ruha Taslimi 52:19
Well, and you do all actually drive locomotives, even though you're not blood cousins. Okay. Well, you know what? I've had a lot of careers in my life so far. from, from young bartender to killer a friends to cop to DMV to locomotive drivers.
Monte Montepare 52:43
Is this the line? This is the wind. Your photo for the DMV? Actually.
Ruha Taslimi 52:51
You're the new DMV photo person and you're going to be taking our photo for one big portfolio fold out license.
Unknown Speaker 52:59
Yay. Okay,
Monte Montepare 53:03
I can't do that. I need my license. I gotta get this u haul and drive it to Utah a couple days. Oh,
Ruha Taslimi 53:11
yeah. What's your deal, dude?
Monte Montepare 53:13
Jeremy Culhane 53:14
will kill you? What's your deal?
Monte Montepare 53:17
I got swallowed by this hole. I spent like 25 years down there. And I came out the other side and somebody took all my stuff from a storage unit
Jeremy Culhane 53:26
to go into Utah.
Artoun Nazareth 53:28
Was that part about?
Jeremy Culhane 53:30
That's? We are on the exact opposite side of the earth of Utah. Yeah, you fell in a hole in Eugene Lanka? Oh, yeah.
Ruha Taslimi 53:39
Okay. You know, I heard in Utah that there's a highway that just turns into a parking lot of a strip mall.
Monte Montepare 53:47
What? Can it be both things?
Ruha Taslimi 53:49
I don't know. But I heard that that's true that if you just if you stay on the highway, all of a sudden you're just looking at a islands restaurant and a TGI Fridays. And you and you could park or you can keep going and then you're back on the highway.
Monte Montepare 54:01
Listen, you seem like a lovely person, but I need my sugar link and driver's license. Okay.
Ruha Taslimi 54:09
Okay, it's a long drive from Sri Lanka to Utah. But I'm cousins. Do you mind if I do one last license before we go?
Jeremy Culhane 54:19
we'd be honored to watch. Okay, Patricia. Steve banshen.
Monte Montepare 54:27
What? That's my name. What? Yeah, Patricia Steven.
Andy Bustillos 54:34
waits at the same time. Let's see if it sounds exactly the same.
Ruha Taslimi 54:38
Put Patricia de nonsense.
Jeremy Culhane 54:42
That sounds different to me.
Ruha Taslimi 54:45
Steve onside? My name is Steven Johnson.
Monte Montepare 54:49
Sorry, totally different name.
Ruha Taslimi 54:53
Okay, well, Patricia Stevenson if you want to stand right there at the line. Okay, 123 great, and you're done. So thank you for coming. Okay.
Jeremy Culhane 55:07
I'm sorry, by the way,
Ruha Taslimi 55:08
you will not be receiving your license for 16 weeks. Well, yeah, they just don't turn. They don't come that fast. I'm sorry. Fuck it. I'm
Monte Montepare 55:17
going to Utah anyway. Go. They're not getting me.
Ruha Taslimi 55:21
Here's your temporary paperwork.
Monte Montepare 55:24
I don't need it.
Ruha Taslimi 55:28
The temporary paperwork is helpful. It does prove that you have Okay, I'll take it.
Unknown Speaker 55:31
I'll take it. Okay,
Monte Montepare 55:32
I'm going I'm going.
Jeremy Culhane 55:34
Sue judge, we found the defendant driving across the Pacific Ocean drunk. And we pulled them off.
Well, the question remains, was it a voluntary drunk or involuntary these major driving a cruise? Now, I would protest that this trunk goodness was in fact, involuntary judge.
Ruha Taslimi 56:04
Judge queueing on taffy. Oh, did you have some taffy if you're
Jeremy Culhane 56:09
sorry, this is my real voice. So the guy was drunk because he was fat. That doesn't sound too voluntary to me. That sounds like he can't help it. I say free everybody from every prison ever. That's my ruling.
Judge all shucks, could you just can we not free everyone in all prisons?
Every everyone from all prisons? Oh, shut
Ruha Taslimi 56:36
coming to MTV seven this
Andy Bustillos 56:48
Have you ever been Oh, looking for love?
I have a new app. It holds for love. Like Tinder but for holes. So are you I'm only three feet. Sorry. I'm
Jeremy Culhane 57:06
looking for six feet at least buying
Unknown Speaker 57:10
Unknown Speaker 57:13
510 deep
Monte Montepare 57:15
zip that matters. Okay, you're
Andy Bustillos 57:20
a little you're a little old for me.
William B. DeClercq 57:27
And Barry narrow.
Ruha Taslimi 57:31
Our whole relationship experts have have come up with a superior algorithm to match you with your perfect hole. Here's some success stories. Okay, Ring. Ring girl, the girl from the rings tomorrow. Yeah, we've been telling you that. This is just for the whole it's not for you. So I'm sorry. Tomorrow No, no tomorrow.
Jeremy Culhane 58:01
Ring girl ring girl. It's me. It's your agent. Could you pick up could you pick up the phone ring girl? I'm trying to get your work but come on. Every time I send you out. They give me the same notes that they died seven days after. Okay, well, ring girl I got I got another audition for you. Okay, okay.
Artoun Nazareth 58:28
I've been happy with my whole for three years now. kits. And snake is a bug. I'd recommend the app to anyone.
Ruha Taslimi 58:39
I'm just a little doughnut hole. And I there was even another hole for me. Sure Some people say that's not a hole at all. You're actually the part that is not supposed to be there. But I found my perfect fit and a brioche, Jonah.
William B. DeClercq 58:53
We have three whole children.
Jeremy Culhane 59:03
Hey, what's up? It's me. My name is armpit. And I'm from the movie holes. And boy, am I having a blast on this app. The s on this app. Let me tell you
all right, sharks. So that's my app. It's a whole matching app. Basically anybody who is in the movie holes anyone who is a hole anyone who is in the cart, Courtney Love band hole anyone related to hole. If your whole milk you can be in this app. Okay, I'm gonna stop you right
Artoun Nazareth 59:37
there. I'm gonna stop you right there. Mark Cuban. I'm going to give you for 2% I'm investing $250,000 as long as I can also find a hole.
Jeremy Culhane 59:50
You got to take that? Oh, yeah.
Monte Montepare 59:53
Okay, okay. Okay. Jerry Bologna here and you're here Okay you can go a Cuban you go Cuban if you want here but he's coming in a lowball you know he is you probably watch this show
Artoun Nazareth 1:00:08
Monte Montepare 1:00:13
with a Jerry bolonia deal this is the real deal. All right, valuing your company.
Unknown Speaker 1:00:24
Do you
Monte Montepare 1:00:26
mind we shake them 5050 that's the deal.
Ruha Taslimi 1:00:32
Oh, you're getting hustled by these two these two crooks? Yeah. Well don't worry no longer this is silence chili dog. And I'm here to give you an offer on a thing me the sharks. I was chili dog with the big big talk. Okay, so now what we're gonna do is we're gonna both blow in the same direction. And then when we're all done, we'll find a piece of chewing gum and that chewing gum goes to whoever invested in most, and that's gonna be me, Silas chili dog. You got a
Jeremy Culhane 1:00:58
deal? I'm gonna throw it back to Mark Cuban. Can you beat that? I want to work with you.
Artoun Nazareth 1:01:03
Okay, I know that I I've given you a great offer. I'm positive about that. But I think this is something I'm really interested in. So I'm going to go crazy here. 2% for $500,000 capital investment. That's half a million dollar for 2% I have valuing your company
Jeremy Culhane 1:01:23
at $25 million.
Monte Montepare 1:01:27
That's a joke. That's a joke. Mark Cuban. That's your investment. I'll give you a Jerry Bologna deal if you want to Jerry.
Okay. This is a deal straight from Jerry baloney. Okay. 25 million. Cuban. That's bite size. That's tiny stuff. Here's what I'll say. I say that you get my firstborn kid. Okay, I'm going to have a kid here soon. You add my kid. I have your kid. We might trade wise for a little. Okay. Listen, Jerry baloney pill.
Ruha Taslimi 1:01:58
Okay, fluff fluff. You must need a pillow. I'm sorry. You're falling asleep listening to these two clowns. Now let me tell you Silas chili dog back in the game. You want a $25 million deal? Do you want a wife and a kid? No, buddy. No, you don't. Okay, so besides what we're gonna do before what I'm gonna sweeten the pot, I'm gonna sweeten the pot, you're gonna hear a whistle. You're not gonna know what direction that whistle is coming from. We're gonna both be like, Where's that whistle coming from? We're gonna walk into the woods. And we're gonna walk into those woods where we go find one tree, we're gonna say, Oh, is that my name carving that tree. I'm gonna carve it with both our initials in that tree. Then I'll kiss my palm like this when I blow it in your face and you're gonna catch it and you're gonna say right here on the forehead. And then that's and then we find one piece of chewing gum and it's a different piece from the chewing gum then the chewing gum before and this time it's up above a purple grape and this time on this split Ryan to put both in my mouth blow a bubble, and then that's yours. So
Artoun Nazareth 1:02:55
we're gonna throw the ball back in your court here. You've heard the three offers
Monte Montepare 1:03:03
a Gary baloney don't feel too good.
JayRay 1:03:10
Jay boly
Ruha Taslimi 1:03:17
Jerry, slow down. You're choking on that. And Claire you've been shuffling at a clip.
Monte Montepare 1:03:22
Oh man. Oh,
thank you so much Silas anyway, though, Mark. He's bullshitter Okay, so
Ruha Taslimi 1:03:29
what's up? What's up what you're going to do?
Jeremy Culhane 1:03:33
I think I'm going to use the whole app for myself so I can find love.
Ruha Taslimi 1:03:39
Why are you on Shark Tank?
Monte Montepare 1:03:42
What are you wasting Joe? Blow anytime you're blowing time.
Jeremy Culhane 1:03:45
That's one. No wager. All you guys got your time wasted. Oh, no. It sounds like you all got punked That's right. It's me Ashton Kutcher. I've been pretending to be this guy for the last seven years coming up with this app. Also, I could show up here on Shark Tank and punk. You guys. Okay. Also, I'm not on TV anymore. And I don't think I'm in movies. So I have a lot of free time. Okay. So you got pumped. You got pumped. And you got pumped. Ah,
Monte Montepare 1:04:18
well, that came from the 70s show right.
Artoun Nazareth 1:04:21
Now Two and a Half Men to
Monte Montepare 1:04:23
die. Right. Right. Great. So what are you
Jeremy Culhane 1:04:26
saying that I got pumped? Oh, shucks.
Monte Montepare 1:04:33
Dee Dee Dee Dee Dee.
Ruha Taslimi 1:04:37
Are you the old host of candid camera? Yeah,
William B. DeClercq 1:04:40
that's me, Alan funk.
Ruha Taslimi 1:04:44
Now that's a Franklin. That's a phrase I love. all in fun.
Jeremy Culhane 1:04:53
Hey, hey girl from the ring. I sent it to you. I sent you for Shark Tank, yet. You just stood back the whole time you never got in there. They never really saw you. Come on. Okay, look I've got I've got some vo work. I've got some vo work for you. Okay, it's for Jurassic World three. Okay. You play Chris Pratt. You do some of the vo when he was too far away from the mic, okay.
Okay. I'll see you. Now you don't have to do it for me. I'm just your agent. Okay. Okay. Okay,
Ruha Taslimi 1:05:36
we cut to the recording studio. Okay, tomorrow, we're really excited to have you your agent says you're going to be great for this. So again, it's just the parts where Chris Pratt is too far away from the mic. So just a far distant version. And and your lines are right there next.
William B. DeClercq 1:05:54
All right, let's run out of here before that times. And we'll escape.
Artoun Nazareth 1:06:07
I'm sorry. I'm confused. Is he doing voiceover sorry. Cut, cut.
Jeremy Culhane 1:06:14
That's fine.
Ruha Taslimi 1:06:16
Yeah, we were just trying it but it's
Jeremy Culhane 1:06:18
letting this pa talk right now.
Ruha Taslimi 1:06:21
I'm sorry.
Artoun Nazareth 1:06:27
I'm calling you a quick timeout.
Jeremy Culhane 1:06:28
Wait, okay. Okay, Mr. Reyes, you're just a PA. Okay. actus Reyes, could you stop?
Ruha Taslimi 1:06:34
Yeah, I'm sorry. actus Reyes is just a is my nephew and he really is too big for his britches. act as I got you in this job as a favor. Don't embarrass me anymore. I'm
Jeremy Culhane 1:06:44
interested in what he has to say.
Artoun Nazareth 1:06:49
Would you say thanks. Thank you. Okay, so here's what I have to say. Timeout. Is the voiceover supposed to be for a dinosaur or is it supposed to be for Chris Pratt? So that's just my confusion. And I don't know I'm a bit of a film kind of saw, if you will. So that's I guess just why I was asking. Because I've well, Susan Cain 1942
Jeremy Culhane 1:07:19
I look there's some natural light over there. Okay, there's
Artoun Nazareth 1:07:21
Oh, wow, that would be really nice. If we could move this set over just a bit. I think we could really get something nice. Yeah,
Ruha Taslimi 1:07:27
yeah. Why don't you go do a quick scout location?
Jeremy Culhane 1:07:32
All right, Chris. I heard there's actually some DVDs of the Joker with some director's commentary on Oh my god.
Unknown Speaker 1:07:39
Unknown Speaker 1:07:41
yeah. Oh, no.
Jeremy Culhane 1:07:43
He just turned inside out. Okay, so Galaxy Quest.
Ruha Taslimi 1:07:49
I hate to admit it though, but he made a good point. Smart. You do sound a lot like a dinosaur and not like I think we've maybe booked you for the wrong part.
Unknown Speaker 1:08:00
Ruha Taslimi 1:08:02
You would be great at some dinosaur effects.
Jeremy Culhane 1:08:09
What do you think she's trying to say?
Ruha Taslimi 1:08:10
I'm not sure. Something about how she killed all the horses.
Jeremy Culhane 1:08:18
Keep halls right? Shut it down. Shut it down. We got the confession. We got the confession. You killed all the horses. We got it. That's right. That's right. Ring girl. We a bunch of cops tricked you into killing all the horses and making you a ring girl first.
Yeah. Taking your tongue away. too
stiff. And then three bringing you to where they get all the horses from?
Unknown Speaker 1:08:45
Andy Bustillos 1:08:47
Nuts do a song. All right. Here we go. And nine 16th time. Okay. 123456 788-910-1112.
Jeremy Culhane 1:09:02
That's the show.
Andy Bustillos 1:09:08
I didn't know we're supposed to call it
Jeremy Culhane 1:09:12
was to call it I had no
Artoun Nazareth 1:09:13
I guess
Ruha Taslimi 1:09:14
we just keep going for ever.
Artoun Nazareth 1:09:16
And ever. And
William B. DeClercq 1:09:20
the same problem never ends. Oh, really?
Jeremy Culhane 1:09:23
You said 20 to 30 minutes, right? Yeah, I'm
William B. DeClercq 1:09:25
just waiting. No. The outline is until you run out of steam and you guys just didn't run out of steam.
Ruha Taslimi 1:09:33
Yeah. Sorry. I
Jeremy Culhane 1:09:35
was waiting for you to call me. I was like, I'll keep going. I felt like, like, like a kid trying to impress his dad. Oh,
Unknown Speaker 1:09:43
we haven't done enough. Okay, I'll
Unknown Speaker 1:09:44
do more. Oh, yeah.
Ruha Taslimi 1:09:46
No, it said 15. But I was like, I'll keep going until somebody stops
William B. DeClercq 1:09:52
75 that was a whole movie. Oh my god.
Jeremy Culhane 1:09:57
So this will be seven episodes of the podcast. Yeah.
William B. DeClercq 1:10:03
All right, this is the part where I'm gonna interview you guys. Great. And army first he has to go the first. The first question. Oh note. There are three parts of the question, which is what's coming next from you? Or what do you want people to, to know about that you're doing? Where can people find you on the internet? And finally, what are you most grateful for? All right, and I mean, I just go in alphabetical order. So Andy's first.
Andy Bustillos 1:10:36
Cool. Hold
on. I'm trying to remember the name of the thing that I'm doing so that I can say what it is. Because I don't remember the exact name. It's called sit on your ass. This is all sitting on my little.
Jeremy Culhane 1:10:48
My couch until 2021.
Ruha Taslimi 1:10:52
Maybe two, maybe 2020?
Andy Bustillos 1:11:03
No, wait, I
actually don't know what it's called. doesn't act. Oh, there it is. It's called bad enough. What am I doing a coming soon for me Nothing doing more music, for sure. And doing a short film with some friends. That'll be fun. That's about a BDSM. So I'm trying to not look awful without a shirt on. When I get my ass beat to shit. People can find me on the Internet at Andy misterios. On Instagram. That's probably where I put most of my stuff. And then we also answer the third question is always a third question is what are you most grateful for? Whoo. And those are the only options or who?
Jeremy Culhane 1:11:47
Can't be on this. Yeah, this
William B. DeClercq 1:11:49
one can be on the zoom. Okay, but you can't say the holes that I'm gonna say. I'm reserving that for myself. Oh,
Andy Bustillos 1:11:59
okay. I'm gonna say I'm most grateful for how many times Curtis has helped me do self tapes? Since quarantines started because I call him all the time.
William B. DeClercq 1:12:15
Andy Bustillos 1:12:17
He's my hero. Okay,
William B. DeClercq 1:12:18
I'm our team. What's coming soon? Where can people find you? And what are you grateful for?
Artoun Nazareth 1:12:25
What's coming soon, when I'm going to be on the CBS showcase in 2021 in January, how they're figuring out how that's going to be released. But when it is check it out. Also a random episode of SEAL Team coming out soon. Seal Team heads Whoo. Keep your eyes peeled. You can tune seal tune you can check me on Instagram, at our to Nazareth or on Twitter at our tune cartoon. And what am I most grateful for? I think especially in these past, like nine months. My girlfriend Christina and my roommate Dorian and my two cats have kept me company over the past long period of time.
William B. DeClercq 1:13:22
Thank you, Curtis, what's coming soon? Where can people find you? And what are you grateful for?
Curtis Retherford 1:13:28
I'm on the CVS showcase. So we're gonna be doing the sketches at CVS. You know, check us out wherever you just go to your local CVS and start asking you can also find me actually Curtis I'm on actually I'm actually Curtis everywhere Instagram, all the stuff. And I and Curtis rather r e th er f already calm. And I would say I'm grateful for a lot of friends like I mean like it's been great talking to ghost. Jeremy has something on his face. It's unclear what's going on in this current little little band aid. Because he caught himself learning how to shave
Monte Montepare 1:14:14
on the cheeks,
Andy Bustillos 1:14:15
on the high cheeks,
Jeremy Culhane 1:14:16
but the entire podcast is not a visual medium. You'll only know that
Ruha Taslimi 1:14:28
Nellie, Nellie.
Jeremy Culhane 1:14:34
So try to stay as grateful for ghosts but they kept interrupting me so I'm not grateful for them anymore. I'm grateful for literally I'm grateful for garbage bags. Now. I'm grateful that I got bags of garbage and I'm grateful for ghosts we'd like became a team and then after about seven months, all of this happened and we kind of like we stayed in contact kept talking and I've got a lot of other close friends through improv that You know, it's very been very nice to keep having connections to people. All throughout COVID. I'll see you at CVS.
William B. DeClercq 1:15:09
Thank you. Mighty, what is coming soon from you? Where can people find you? And what are you grateful for? You can't use the same answer twice.
Monte Montepare 1:15:19
Okay. coming up soon. Doing some stand up on the wrangell mountain center Winter Solstice celebration. That's right straight from McCarthy, Alaska, in the middle of nowhere via zoom, much touted winter celebration. And you can find me everywhere at Monty Monty par. But I haven't been there a while due to what can only be described as crippling anxiety, but I'll be back soon. Feeling common. And I'm going to I'm going to tie that in, I'm going to say that I'm grateful for having access to the outdoor world. And man, at some point, I'm going to show back up on Instagram with so many cool pictures of desert tortoises. I mean, I tell you what, that's just what, we're gonna come back like store at some point.
William B. DeClercq 1:16:17
That's awesome. Thank you, Monty. All right. Thank you, Jeremy. What is coming soon from you? Where can people find you on the internet? And what are you most grateful for?
Jeremy Culhane 1:16:27
Coming soon to me a huge Christmas and New Year's. Lots of fun celebrations there. Lots of you know, networking, and parties. Also, I think I'm going to be on the Lilly Singh show a little late with Lilly Singh. So if you're interested in late night TV, come check me out. And you can find me on anything at jazzy jelly. That's jazzy. underscore, underscore jelly. an eight year old has jazzy underscore jelly. So just make sure you add both you and I think you could just search by name. Check me out on Tick Tock really trying to grow that. And what am i grateful for? I am grateful that Yeah, there's still so much joy, even though we're in such a hard time. This was so fun. We went on for 75 minutes due to an accident, and I had it
William B. DeClercq 1:17:28
wasn't an accident. I think it was a lack of leadership on my part. I wouldn't say that I think he's enjoying myself completely. I could have called it
Curtis Retherford 1:17:39
Yeah, what are you talking about?
Jeremy Culhane 1:17:48
I'm still I'm grateful that we can still do improv and have fun and that's
a cop said you have to do 75 minutes of improv.
William B. DeClercq 1:17:56
I deliberately picked a short case for you too, so it's good.
Jeremy Culhane 1:18:01
Can you like like a we're gonna be in and out. 1520 minute problem. Yeah, man. Sorry about that. I didn't pick it. We got to see these three scenes over and over.
William B. DeClercq 1:18:10
Exactly. What is coming soon from you, where can people find you? And what are you most grateful for? Okay, well,
Ruha Taslimi 1:18:19
I'm coming soon I'm in the non cis showcase non cisgendered showcase which will you know is coming in January. We don't know how yet.
JayRay 1:18:34
We don't know.
Ruha Taslimi 1:18:39
Other than that, you know nothing. Uh, blocks that you already mentioned up top has still been floating around different festivals and maybe watch online somewhere and I'm doing a character show on how rednecks twitch on December 30. And that's all the info I know. And then you can catch me at raha tasleem me on Instagram? Technically on Facebook, but not really. And on Twitter, I only have an account for legitimate goddamn theatre UCB which is at lgt UCB so really waiting for y'all to come back. Really just Instagram. And, I mean, I'm definitely grateful for ghosts and improv and my friends who I've been very strictly quarantine this whole time. So a lot of friends on this team and not on the team took care of me when it was harder to get groceries and things like that people brought me stuff. And I'll never forget that. And mostly I'm grateful for my two cats because it's just us and they've brought love and joy into my life
Unknown Speaker 1:19:54
every day.
William B. DeClercq 1:19:56
Thank you so much. That was it. I really appreciate that. That's our show. Laying down the line is a product of beyond reasonable doubt produced by Jeffrey finer and verboten productions. Our music is galactic damages by jingle punk. Our cover is courtesy of the mighty q i want to thank all of our listeners. I want to thank ghosts for being here today. If you're enjoying the show, which you might be if you're still listening, please tell a friend subscribe, write a review. Leave us a rating five stars, nothing less. It really helps us reach more ears. And if you are not enjoying the show, why are you still listening to the credits, no less you masochist please feel free to tweet at me at Max Headroom ES. With any questions, comments or suggestions. I'm your host B. DeClercq aka max Hogan, Esquire and I'm the guy who cries at a commercial Thank you very much. We're
Ruha Taslimi 1:20:53
sorry, Jeffrey.
Jeremy Culhane 1:20:57
Have fuckin fun with that guy. Yeah.
Ruha Taslimi 1:21:04
We did a whole Jeffrey character so hopefully he feels honored.
Unknown Speaker 1:21:09
Good afternoon. This
Andy Bustillos 1:21:10
is your captain speaking we're just about a minute away from touchdown. If this is your final destination, please be aware that it's cold out there with a chance of rain, snow or meteors. Please take all your belongings with you because we won't turn around just because you forgot your lunch on behalf of verboten airlines, our cabin crew and Billy the AI auto pilot with a heart of gold. Thank you for flying with us. And ruha if you're listening, yes, it's always an honor to be mentioned. And now a peek at the raw audio that I was blessed with. All right, you guys ready for the case of the day?
Monte Montepare 1:21:41
Whoo. Well,
Ruha Taslimi 1:21:44
this is just in case it's helpful. Am I the only one hearing an echo on Billy.
Jeremy Culhane 1:21:51
I hear hearing Yeah.
William B. DeClercq 1:21:53
It's just on me.
Artoun Nazareth 1:21:54
Just a little bit, just to just to touch. Yeah, I'm
William B. DeClercq 1:21:57
hearing it too.
Jeremy Culhane 1:21:59
It might just be maybe if somebody is really loud.
Andy Bustillos 1:22:04
Jeremy Culhane 1:22:05
I'll try to Oh, yeah, I
Andy Bustillos 1:22:06
just heard it on myself too much.
William B. DeClercq 1:22:12
ever leave it in, leave it in. It's definitely worse on me. So I think this is going to be the podcast where I speak the least.
Ruha Taslimi 1:22:20
I mean, it sounds kind of
Andy Bustillos 1:22:22
like it's on purpose.
William B. DeClercq 1:22:23
Yeah, I know all that. Yeah, I know. It's like no like a sound effect. It's I wish I had the technology to replicate it but I have no idea what's going on.
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Creators and Guests